Friday, March 25, 2011

The Price of Freedom... $5 per gal!

On February 17, 2011, the people Libya began a campaign to remove their ruler of the past 40 years, Col. Muammar Gaddafi. This conflict has led to the UN getting involved and imposing a no fly zone against the government of Libya. This unprecedented in the history of the UN to ask a leader to step down and install the opposition. I personally want Gaddadfi, and the leader of Syria, Bashar Al Assad, to step down. This is for religious reasons because it has been declared by the scholars of Islam that these two men are not Mooslem. As non-Mooslems, they should not have dominion over predominately Mooslem countries. However, my heart and my wallet are in two different locations. The price of crude is escalating as the civil was in Libya escalates. This has an effect of everything from gas prices, plane tickets, and food prices. If this continues into the summer, regular unleaded gas could be $5 per gal! We do not even import oil from Libya! Unfortunately, this global market is based on gambling. Speculation based on fear, such as war or natural disasters, can drive up prices on a number of items, such as crude. I don't want to sound selfish, but I hope these conflicts in Africa and the Middle East are resolved soon. I do not want to pay for higher groceries and $5 per gal. regular unleaded.

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